
Instructors: Usman, Nabil and Raeesa

Invite to session: Personal invite sent via email

Email: [email protected]

Tutorial time: [See Course Schedule below for dates and time]

TA: Talia

Email: talia@ucademy.co.uk

TA: Iman

Email: [email protected]

📜 Course Description

The study of the whole Maths course for Alevel. The session is conducted via a Google invite. The students will be taught Maths from leading experts in the field, with guest speakers providing vital real world application of the knowledge. Work will be set before and after the tutorials respectively, to strengthen the student's understanding of the subject.

🗝 Enrolment


The following items must be completed before the course.

Recommended Preparation:

Completion of the introductory worksheets prior to the session, which will be sent via email.

📚 Readings

Recommended Textbook to purchase:

Maths Textbook (AQA)

Maths Textbook (Edexcel) - Year 1

Maths Textbook (Edexcel) - Year 2

Maths (Statistics and Mechanics textbooks) - Year 1 - Edexcel